“Billable Hours" is the standard consulting business model - Time for Money.
We prefer “Value Based Consulting”, a model focusing on results - Value for Money.

“Time for Money” as a business model is poorly suited to value generation. Clients will focus on paying as less as possible, consultants will try to “sell” as many service days as possible.

Project objectives and client value remain out of focus instead of being the center of attention. Value based consulting changes this game.

Prior to each project we discuss your requirements, your objectives and the overall result that would really create value for you and your company.

The results from this discussion will directly determine what we do – objectives define type of services. And the expected value will determine how much we do – value defines  amount of services.

Value based consulting secures your RoI. You will never buy services that do not match your requirements. You will never over-invest in activities that render only a limited value.

We may even decide together that the project should not start due to lack of economic value.