Gap Analysis
Identifying Gaps and Deficiencies
Gap analysis – a quick and cost-efficient tool that tells a lot about any company. Target are those little things that should be around but are frequently absent: structures, procedures, processes, interaction, infrastructure and so on.
Gap analysis is the first step towards performance increase.
Cost Efficient Performance Increase
Gaps and deficiencies - the little things that should be available and operational but are either completely missing or at least poorly suited for the intended purpose: organizational structures, procedures, processes, infrastructure and so on. Once these gaps get accepted as the status quo, organizations create work-arounds – frequently with disastrous results. Drop of efficiency, all-time low effectivity, disappointing achievement rates. And since the status quo is universally accepted, attempts for change get blocked by the institutional inertia of the organization.
Qemicon gap analysis is an effective tool to address this situation. An unbiased view from experienced management experts, a fair comparison with industry standards, a challenge of the status quo, a shake up of institutional inertia.
Qemicon gap analysis – a fast and cost-efficient step towards performance increase.
Gap Analysis adds value
- Check of Status Quo
- Challenge of Status Quo
- Identification of gaps and deficiencies
- Fast and cost efficient towards performance increase
Small Gaps – Serious Impact 1
Outsourcing of activities is a routine business process and organizations expected it to work near peak efficiency. Reality tends to be quite a bit different, as outsourcing frequently fails to deliver according to expectations. As a result, quite a lot of money is directly wasted on low performance outsourcing and the overall loss is even larger as strategic projects fail to deliver since crucial bits and pieces from external sources are either seriously delayed or fail to meet requirements.
One reason for the low performance is a “commodity purchasing” approach due to missing awareness of outsourcing complexity. And the gap in the organization is a well-performing outsourcing process, together with company-specific “best practices” and internal outsourcing management expertise.
Small Gaps – Serious Impact 2
Quite a lot of documents or processes in the industry require an astonishing number of signatures. While such a signature overkill already raises questions regarding cost-benefit ratio and time demand for process release, another frequently observable aspect is even more astonishing – the direct correlation between number of signatures and number of mistakes.
Simple and easily detectable mistakes are all too often found in documents showing an impressive signature overkill on the first page. The gap, in this case, is lack of is personal responsibility and personal process ownership. With so many colleagues participating in the release process, single signees don’t see the point of diligently checking before signature. As soon as this view is taken by all signees, mistakes have a reasonable chance to make it undetected to the final version.